Friday, March 9, 2012

Going backwards, and going fast!

There is a moment when a voice can have great impact and power, but all to often it is the voice of hate, the voices of the malcontents, the extremist in all senses, and the intolerant these today hold the greatest pull. When did it become okay to go back to the ways of the old where views of destruction of others because you don't like their views, religion, skin color, sex, or sexual choice was okay. The 1950s showed us the ways of oppression give rise to opposition and revolution. There is a reason why old ways of thinking died out. They had no place in a modern and civilized society.

It is the 21st century and all people have a right to speak their mind, but to speak a view that has a constructive point not one of ignorance, hate, greed, fear, or negativity. Most have seen what both sides of the coin can do to people when a statement is negative or destructive. History is replete with people who have driven a negative message forward. What ever happened to civil discourse and communication? We have a right to our beliefs and views, we don't have the right to force them on others. History has shown what happens to peoples who are oppressed but others or one. Many a war has been fought over ideas of few or just one. The crusades, WW I, WW II, civil wars, 9/11, Gulf wars, Roman wars, so on and so forth. These illustrate only a few of many conflicts brought about by ideology and words.  

If you are wonder why this is being written, simple: in the current public discourse there have been levied lots of negativity towards the President, those currently running for the presidency, people in the public eye using their positions to advocate negativity, and the fight over every little issue to the point people are name calling like children, these are the everyday news topics. Given the U.S. focus on these things a bigger picture is being overlooked, the rest of the world sees these events, but the average U.S. citizen does not.  

People are dying in Syria daily, as so in the Sudan, in places we never hear of. But if Mitt Romney, Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, or Ron Paul eat a muffin on the news and talk bad about each other we know about it. Their scawbles and infighting take away from the world at large. A picture of a world reaching a boiling point is never really felt by Americans, yet petrol prices rise and the President is to blame. Iran's nuclear ambitions and threats towards western countries has a lot to do with this. The culture of the past isn't the path to the future, one of learning how to share this one planet is the only way forward. All the negativity in the world has distracted us from what people can do to change things for the better. 

At the current pace, things are only going to get worse until the old guard people wake up to what the world wants and needs. The wealthy are going to only get wealthier, religious dogma is only going to get more strained, and the population is going to continue to grow, if you want a better world, get involved helping others! It is the 21st century but we still have 19th century problems. Equality and Peace are needed more now than ever. War, poverty, hate, intolerance, greed, fear are archaic and help no-one. Change tomorrow by changing today, lead by example, not by telling others what to do. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Travel to Los Angeles, or Not!

There are moments when one realizes life is a series of event that come together in incredible ways. I speak of that when a person leaves from their home and finds themselves on route to new places. It is cathartic but revealing in what faces the person.

Each place we go, a piece of that place comes back with in a small or large way. We pick the smells, the images; we meet new people, take photos. All of these we bring back in our minds eye. It is sometimes like a living dream when find ourselves in place to beautiful to describe, or on the flip side it can like a nightmare you want all well to be out of.

What elements make a good, trip, for that fact a great trip? Is it the food, the place, the people, or all of those. How would describe a great trip, a sense of adventure, or relaxation, or just knowing your day to day is one of new experiences?

I think a great trip is one you hold one to, carry with you in your day to day, it that spark when you remember back.

But isn't everyday a new adventure?

This trip has been one of memories; I came back to Los Angeles, California to tie up loose ends. I have been to many places in my life but Los Angeles holds a negative vibe to it. I set out on February 16th to spend a week in Los Angeles but it took 10 days.

When we travel we think we should be going to a place to enjoy it, but at this moment I rather be home in New Mexico.  

At this point, I wish I could be one a beach in the tropics drinking a nice drink and taking in the beauty, nope stuck in this insipid mong-hole of a human hostage situation hiding behind fake boob’s, bad plastic surgery, fake people, a shallow souls. But on the bright side I do get to leave.

Hopefully I can in the future will be able to go someplace I haven’t been before. I will never knock travel, the journey is sometimes the best part of the trip.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Odd weather phenomena and odd amounts of Earthquakes

Written By: Patrick Lynch

2011 was a record year for tornado strikes all over the U.S. also 2011 was record year for large seismic events. Given the theories that these are a prelude to December 21st 2012 towards a greater natural disaster event to come, it is an interesting parallel. 2011 was in the eyes of the scientific community a clear sign of global warming. 130 years of industry and pollution has had an effect we can now see.

What has caused the tornado events to be so bad was a combination of factors, warm moist air out of the Gulf of Mexico colliding with a jet stream pushing far south causing the two air masses to create a perfect event leading to mass tornados. But this isn’t only event throughout 2011 that had grave impact.

With ocean levels rising, the lack of ice and permafrost has also had an effect; it is believed that these changes to the climate are also having an effect on tectonic stress. Given the changes in sea ice and glaciers has changed the balance of weight worldwide which could be a factor in the increase in seismic events.  But before anyone jumps to conclusions, these are theories to possible reasons for all these events, Volcanism, Earthquakes, Tornado’s, Droughts, Blizzards, Freak storms, and other events that have been witnessed throughout 2011.

Looking at each of these as they stand they appear singular, but in concert a pattern develops. 2011 brought with a year of events not seen before, or have they happened before our living memory? 2011 saw the object C/2010 X1 also known as the (Elenin) object.  

Given the current world wide weather abnormalities it is a clue the situation isn’t one that can be solved over night. The current weather patterns on January 2012 show a clear issue of change. These changes are and could be the cause of many world events of dyer environmental change.

How do these affect you? No matter where one lives on this planet all can see an abnormality in Earth’s climate.

We are living in a time where there are a higher than normal amount of cataclysmic event occurring. As it stands no one person can predict the future, so in that spirit this writer is going to follow up on this story and bring more details to light throughout the year of 2012 as they occur. Please keep your eyes and ears open and please report details to this reporter as things unfold as so they can be taken into account as new articles are written. Thank you.

Monday, January 9, 2012

New Year New posts: Out 2011, in with 2012

Greeting readers!

Happy 2012! I hope everyone had a great Christmas and New Year. On Thursday January 19th I will start my new year of posts, I will take breaks only when big holidays come up. At some point in the coming months I will post schedule of weeks where there will be no articles. If you would like to contribute as a guest writer you can e-mail me @ "" and I will review all submissions.

This year I hope to tackle large and small issues in the world, and comment on life itself. I welcome feedback and am always open to new ideas for topics to cover.

I also put an Art page, this will show only my art and writing, please "like" it on Facebook - "Patrick K Lynch - (Terrius)" I am trying to get my artwork out to as many lives as possible, I want to share the beauty of my art with others. I am trying to get my art out in the world, please share my page as well as once again like it. I am asking all my face book friends and blog followers to help, go to - "Patrick K Lynch - (Terrius)"

So I hope the best for 2012 and wish everyone who reads my blog my very best. Thank you all for your support and I work to share both my writing and art in 2012.

The Editor and Chief
Patrick K. Lynch

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Is it the end of the world, or not?

2012, is it another Y2K or is it really the end? Many scholars have questioned the truths in the Mayan codex known as the “Dresden Codex or the book of Mayan Astrology.” This codex was one of many, but only four exist to this day after Christian missionaries destroyed many of the codex’s in the hope to stem the rituals of the Mayan’s, the missionaries didn’t understand the Mayan’s connection with the stars and the Earth. These included ritual human sacrifice and blood lettings. 

But what is the Dresden Codex? This apocryphal codex spoke to the end of the age of man. The codex currently resides in Europe. Each of these ages are based in a 26,000 year cycle. The Hope Indians on the South West United States also have an end of time prophecy. Both the Mayan’s and Hope timelines end at the seemingly same point in time. How much influence did these cultures have on each other in antiquity?  Even the book of Revelation speaks to an end of time prophecy.

Those in the Y2K conundrum saw that computers given their calendar design would reset to “00” and the system structure would fail, but it did not. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21st 2012, but is this really the end? The Mayan calendar has a system called the long count, which is accurate to a 15 second margin in the moon cycles. All calendars end, even our modern one, at the end of each year start the next cycle of 12 months. Is it possible that the Mayan calendar starts anew?

How did this ancient society create such a precise system of telling time without technology? The Mayan’s were highly observant and had a complex system of writing, this gave rise to noting what they saw and calculating from there how things worked in the sky. With their knowledge the Mayan’s were able to make accurate choices when to plant, when to harvest, and to when rains came. All of this though was not able to stop the fall of many of the Mayan’s cities, and eventually the Mayan empire.

Today, many of the Mayan decadence are sure of the human fall in 2012, but yet the Maya only rained for a few thousand years, not the 26,000 years their calendar notes. So, how do we as a modern and technological society give into this calendar that for most of us do not even understand? Simple really, most religions and cultures have their own end of time mythos. So as children we grow up to think this is how it is, not ever knowing we are being taught how to think and what to believe. But this is not the end of this story, but a caution to heed.

Will 2012 bring the end of all humanity? Well it depends on who you speak with. As it was during the Y2K scare, there were those who saw the fears as a way to capitalize on fear and make money. If the lessons of the past have not taught people anything that it is easy to give into fear and run away from things.

What will December 21st 2012 bring? Well no one is sure of this. Humans are by nature are a bad set of prophets. Always being prepared is a good thing, but going overboard as many do is not a healthy way to handle fear. Think of it are a natural disaster, what would you do and how would you deal with it? If 2012 is going to be the end, then live life the best way you can, but on December 22nd if nothing happens then what?

That is the hard question to answer! You find yourself on December 22nd with the world still here? Much like Y2K you feel duped and now you’re angry. How do you face the day, or week, month to come? This is what a lot of people faced after Y2K, they felt as if they had been cheated or deceived. The truth is no one knows the future, but we learn from the past and with that we are able to build the future.

The most troubling thing is what will the world be like after 2012? 2050 – There are now 9 Billion people on the planet and they are looking back on all the fears coming out of the 20th century into the 21st century. Y2K and 2012 have passed and those in the future are upset by how recklessly we did not prepare for tomorrow. Oil is at an all time high in price, in the future it will go for $380 a barrel, petrol will go for $9 to $10 a gallon and energy shortages are common place, clean drinking water is $5 a 12oz bottle. But people of 2012 were worried about December 21st 2012 to do anything to shape 2050 or 2100.

Are you sure? Are you sure December 21st 2012 is the end? It is smarter to devote time and energy to the tomorrows that are to come. Worrying about ancient prophecies or religious fervor does not help anyone, it does though lead to anger, and fear, and missteps that could help us all.

What dose 2012 hold? That is like a lot of mysteries, after WWII people were sure that the reds (Communists) were going to take over, people were sure that an A-bomb (Atomic Bomb) would be used on America, people were sure Y2K (The Year 2000) would bring an end to technology, but Steve Jobs of Apple Corp. prove that wrong with I-phones, I-pads, I-pods, I-tunes Etc. . So 2012, what do you want to happen?  Is the end of humanity or is the beginning of people working towards 2050 or 2100 in strides to make a better world?

Whatever happens always know that the future is not set in a Mayan stone but in the people who live on this planet, with global warming and oil coming up less available in the future and governments worries more about themselves is a time for those yet to come and those living to change the paradigm  towards something better. 2012 is not the end, but it is a wakeup call to all people to make a better tomorrow.

Think of all this as a way to be prepared for uncertainly, to know your fellow man, to strive towards a tomorrow that is good for all humans, not just the few or the wealthy.  You and you alone dictate your tomorrow and never forget that which you worship made you free and strong.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas and New Years Break

Hello Readers,

It is Christmas and New Years, so I am breaking til January 5th. I am wishing all a happy Christmas and a Joyous New Year. For those of you who do not celebrate Christmas, I wish you peace, joy, and serenity. 2012 will start with a set of new articles and stories dealing with all kinds of topics, I will also time to time have guest writers and contributors to this blog.

2011 was a year of many historic and tragic things, from the Earthquake and Tsunami to Libya and Egypt, there were so many things that brought the world together and split it all at the same time. 2012, especially December 12st is this big issue with Mayan calender running out, I still think this another Y2K, but I will cover it as 2012 progresses.

But for the close of 2011, I wish everyone peace this time of year and a good start to 2012.

Editor and Chief:
Patrick Lynch. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Article by: Patrick Lynch

There moments in life where we think somehow we have been wronged. People use the term “Being Disrespected”, but in truth were they? How much respect do you give to another person? This all depends on what culture you might have grown up in. Some cultures think it is their right to be respected without giving respect.

The truth is most people don’t give respect, they give courtesy. What is the difference? One is a learned behavior taught in schools and by television. Respect starts with self! Courtesy is please, and thank you. Respect is having understanding and empathy. These come from example and life lessons.

Respect is that key to knowing how another person feels and being able to see yourself in their shoes. Respect comes from something deeper, it is know a gay man is gay and not being rude or calling them names out of discomfort, respect is knowing your wrong and admitting it, respect is seeing another race and not saying something bad under your breath after they pass.

Courtesy is getting a burger at a fast food place and saying thank you, but respect comes when you see the order is wrong and asking politely can you fix this it is wrong. Courtesy is holding a door open, respect comes from when someone doesn’t do it in return and letting it go.

Men are taught to be respected, but women are sources of sex, this is not respect but a negative stereo type. Women and men are equals, not objects, that is respect. “In a man’s world”, this is a way of disrespecting the opposite sex, now think if you were a man and the roles were reversed? You would feel disrespected. But these biases continue on. If a woman works and a man takes care of the children and house work is he any less than a man? “NO!”

Certain demographics think a woman’s place is in the kitchen and caring for children even when these women have 40 an hour a week jobs. It is a humans place to provide for their family and share equally the household duties. This is called a “Partnership” and this is true respect.

In this 21st century society some things have change where others have not, in some countries in the Middle-east and Africa young girls are vaginally mutilated so that they will not stray from their husbands, other are raped and beaten, in the name that the man was disrespected. Is this respect or torture? It is torture, but comes from societies and cultures where a misbalanced sense of respect is taught.

How does one define respect? Respect comes from understanding and education. When a person understands the self, then they are more likely to see themselves in others, but with poor knowledge in this area people can become disrespectful and potentially harmful to others. The old adage “With knowledge comes power,” this is very true.

But where do we start as people to teach the ideals of respect in a proper manner? Respecting others is one of those perception points and a lot of disagreements throughout his have come from misunderstandings seen as disrespect. In the Arab world throwing ones shoes at another person is a great-disrespect, here in the U.S. it is seen as juvenile and insulting, in Italy thumbing ones nose is like the middle finger in the U.S., these two examples illustrate how what is disrespectful in one place isn’t in another.

So how is one to know, well this isn’t always easy, some societies are closed about their customs and culture, so in these cases it is always best to do your homework before you deal with other cultures. Respect is earned not always given. But you say what if I am in a situation where I couldn’t have prepared for; well in these cases asking in a humble manner for forgiveness always goes a long way to gaining respect.

Respect is a tricky thing, and many people can always point the finger at other cultures and say they are disrespectful. But are they, or are you? This falls back to perception and culture. Most people are raise to have courtesy and to say please and thank you under the guise of respect. Respect come when see’s something wrong and acts on it if they were the one in the situation, most have a “NIMBY” stance. What is “NIMBY” – (Not In My Back Yard)!

We are told to respect our elder’s, and yet teens and some young adults push past the elderly and treat them as they haven’t a clue or they are unimportant. The truth is they were young once and just as disrespectful. 

AH! So it falls to this generation to step up and be the mature ones and not repeat the past.

This is true respect and maturity, but as soon as one falls to calling people names, or bullying, or being inconsiderate then you have no respect. A good example of this is a tagger who paints his name or gang name on a tax paying, hard working person’s outer wall in the claim that it is their turf, when in reality they live with family who pay the bills, this is disrespect. That person now has to pay money and time to clean up after this tagger.  

The tagger sees this as disrespect but in truth they disrespected the homeowner and community. This is why perception and culture play there parts in respect. Before you think you have been disrespected think about how your actions might affect others around you.

Once you have empathy not apathy then the respect quota might shift and then one might be able to see how to be respectful and gain respect. Respect does not come from being married, it helps but if you are a bad spouse than no gain there. If you have a good job that helps, but if you are a bad co-worker than respect once again means nothing, as you can see from these examples, when one does well as a student, a lover, as good worker, etc. Then one earns respect.

Respect is that when you are doing the right thing for no reward but just to be a better person then your journey to respect has begun. Action always speak louder than words, so always do the right thing and speak little to what you have done, but in this don’t be a push over, know right from wrong and always stand up for yourself in a responsible manner and with respect. Life is a journey not a destination, work towards being the better person always and respect will come to you.