Thursday, November 10, 2011

Blessing and Forgiveness and Gratitude

Article by: Patrick Lynch

In this time leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas it is time before the closing of the year to be "Grateful, have blessings, and give forgiveness", for all of us spend time in our lives either being a force multiplier or a victim. As people we are taught by many people, by examples, by life itself, but to break away from the negative is hard.

There are statements we say to ourselves, usually learned throughout life that cross our thoughts. The ego does this and the subconscious also does this. Thoughts like:

“I am never going to get this right.”

“I always screw things up.”

"I 'm only one person and what do I matter!"

'I'm not that good at ______ ."

These statements have been made by any number of people. But why do we do this to ourselves. We cannot know how others lives are, we can only know our path. In this we shape our world on much of the perceived. It isn’t what you know, but how you know it.

"Never making assumptions, and not talking things personally"

There are ways to break the cycle, throughout live those negative force can come into play. We find ways to reinforce our negative beliefs. The cycle of beating ourselves up for small things, now think of yourself as a ship on the sea. You make a tiny correction of course, but this change was unintentional over a large distance you go off course. In a way the small self-sabotage we do with statements like “I’m not good enough” for example is like that unintentional change in course.

How do you perceive your life?

Your life isn’t the clothes you wear, it isn’t the house you live in, it isn’t how much money you have. If someone told you all your life that knowledge is how you show you are successful. You wouldn’t be slaving yourself to something to gain it, or would you? The saying it takes 30 days to create a habit, but an entire lifetime to undo, this though does hold water. We cannot unlearn what we have exposed our minds to. You are the force of change in your life!

"If one knows that candlelight is fire, the meal was already cooked a long time ago."

This statement is in itself a message of deep wisdom and reflection, for it has many meanings. To change the ships course it to stop all together and find the gratitude and joy in the moment. No matter how bad a situation is, everything ends, another day will come if it is in your destiny. The saying:

"Do onto others as you would want done unto you."

Most know this, but how many of you do this? When was the last time you paid a kindness forward? When was the last time you help a poor person on the street, or helped a person you knew with a problem? This all comes back to us in many ways.

All societies throughout the ages have a version of Karma. Karma is nothing more than a lesson, a learning tool, not a punishment. The physic principle of “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, explains this in terms most can see in action. The physical test of this is a visual that make the non-visual a concept that is understandable.

It as if we belong to one great soul, much like cells in the human body. This is known as “The Collective Unconsciousness”. One soul many people. The thought that humans are apart of this great collective is quite profound; each human life is in part only a small part of the vast whole. We all share a planet and even though we come from different places and cultures, we are all human!

It is sad that humans are so adversarial. The human need to conquer to be aggressive, this is a part of the being, which is to be human, but it is not the driving force. Humanity needs to awaken from the sleep of many ages, in a way to peer through the glass darkly into what once was and what can be in the many tomorrows. This is to say that what our ancestors had in the abilities of the mind. Remember there was no television, no Internet, no electricity, these were people who lived by nature, with nature.

This would take seeing beyond, to a point of great peace, one of peace of soul or spirit, a peace in lifestyle, a peace in society. Seeing beyond could bring a greater peace, and just maybe stem the tide of warfare, hatred, destruction, discontent, fear mongering, and negativity.

Humans walk through life like sleepers who have not yet awakened. When the sleeper awakens their past comes into focus. This is not only the physical linear past, but also all the pasts that came before. All becomes crystal clear, in a way you are no longer a part of the matrix, but something else entirely, the glass darkly in transformed into a glass of clarity and understanding, one of enlightenment and guidance. This is a powerful transformation, one in which you get out of your own way. Living to ones potential and becoming awakened to possible, able to create those possibilities.

"Eyes wide open, hands held high, ever grateful."

Finding gratitude, blessings, and forgiveness isn't always easy. Life can be a trial by fire, but think about how many times in life you have heard the story of a victim of a great tragedy tell their sorry to then them saying: "I forgive the person or people involved, or I am grateful just to be alive."?

"It is time to move into the future without holding onto the past."

It is time for humanity to move into the future. Time to let go of the fear; this fear is the one of change. The fear of change is founded in the unknown. That which is unknown is scary due to uncertainty. The fear of uncertainty is holding many in the world back; another fear generator is religious dogma. Dogma is the ritual or routine of shame and fear use to keep people in line, this is called "Domestication". Fear is that which can kill the mind, body, and soul; this keeps one imprisoned and chained.

Fear can sap the soul of precious energy; it can also be carried from lifetime to lifetime. If you can awaken to these past traumas the process to cut the chains can begin. How do you awaken to these and start the process of healing?

"The steps of breaking the bondage”

The first step to this process is “Forgiveness”. Being able to forgive yourself, it is easier to forgive others versus forgiving ourselves. The key is to being able to let go and advancing forward. Nothing anyone does is because of you. They make their own choices.

The second step to this process is “Love”. Now this is use a lot and told to people as the fix all to all problems. Love is the most misunderstood thing humans express. Being unconditional is a form of love, being forgiving, being present, accepting yourself; these all constitute love. The love part isn’t easy, especially if you are holding onto past pain and trauma.

The third step to this process is “Charity”. Again this one is misunderstood; charity isn’t just giving money to the poor, passing on spare pocket change. It is so much more. Charity starts with yourself, this might sound selfish but it isn’t. The charity is the ability to allow yourself to let go of those things, which give you the greatest pain. Once you can let go you can pass on to others positivity, this is the start of charity. As this positivity grows in you, then you are able to do more for others without expectation.

The fourth step to this process is “Joy and Happiness”. This one thing is the hardest to do. What makes you happy or gives you joy? These come from a lot of things in our lives, but when it comes from in you is then real. Things make us happy, or people, or situations, but if there isn’t joy and happiness in us these things soon leave us unfulfilled. This takes looking into yourself honestly and loving the person you are, excepting you unconditionally.

The fifth step is "Gratitude and Blessing". This is one of the steps which take immense courage and breaking the cycle of self abuse. You matter and you are worth being happy. None of us have all the answers but we are not alone either. In a time when people are losing so much it is hard to be grateful, but if you know you have your life and friend, family, and community, you have more than anything you own will ever be worth, that is the priceless part of life.

"Awaken to a new reality, open your eyes. May peace, love, serenity, and joy be with you all during this holiday season."

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