Thursday, November 3, 2011

Food for thought in this day and age!

Article by: Patrick Lynch

What I am about to say is more than likely to bother some and be an annoyance to others. Well to bad is what I say! Words speak to ideas, ideas lead to thoughts, thoughts lead to actions, and actions lead to change. In most cases people tend to hide where it is safest by doing nothing, not upsetting the balance in their lives. I pity those whose gall is to be unnoticed or over looked as so stay safe in their little bubble. I know why most say nothing, it is not they are weak, it is because they are afraid!  

For all of us, we say "My voice does not matter, or that I am only one person." I feel for you and those who refuse to change and stand for what is right. I see a serious problem with this country! A problem you say, if you hide behind ideology or economic place then you have no idea to what I speak to!

Let me say this, on November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day, you will have to think! "Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gun powder treason and plot?" if can finish this then you understand why the "Occupy Wall Street" protest is important, and how one voice can create change.

If Greece defaults on Friday November 4th, then all the markets will tumble and a repeat of 2008 and 1929 will happen again. B of A (Bank of America) just learned how powerful the people are. If you haven't clue to which I speak then I urge you to do your home work and get your head out of the sand. An informed person knows what they need to do, where as an uninformed person runs in fear.

You for the most part are the 99% and those of you in the 1% of the wealthy, you are thieves! Every person is due the right to make a living, have adequate health care, and the right to eat, take care of their families, education, and none interference from the government and the law.

We all share this planet and no person owns it! "If you think they do then I want nothing to do with you" .. This sounds harsh, but the truth is all people are equal in the eyes of the creator, whatever that "god or deity" is to you. For in all of life, 7 billion people who share this world, those 1% consume more than everyone else.

I ask all those who read this to wake up other people and fight for what is right for all mankind. I do not expect socialism or communism as a path to a healthy society, nor does capitalism work. We need a balance of people who understand what the poor, middle class, and working person needs. Our leaders have wealth and got to their positions through money.

No person running for office cares about "John A Doe's" plight. They listen to money. In the U.S we need a labor party, not a tea party; "Tea Parties" are for little girls not grown adults! We all are not going to agree on all ideas or laws, but in the interest of the future, we need to come to a agreement and not let special interest drive us into a dark age!

There are many religions and peoples who share this land, tolerance and understanding will be the path forward! Ignorance and hate only lead to isolation and indifference. It is the 21st century and it is time to listen, be understanding, and let old ideas die.

Do I have all the answer? "Ah NO!" But I do speak from my heart. Help others, be kind, let things go, do not make assumptions, and be a decent person. This will change you and others. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth would leave all of us blind and toothless. These old ideas of retribution and ignorance need to be laid to rest. We are a modern society and what worked in the 1950’s or the 19th century have no place in the world today.

We are a wired society! We speak to people every day from other land and other cultures. Where I live and I can say after seeing 38 countries, people are people. We all sleep, eat, love, have families, and grow. Please try to be a part of a solution, risk something, be a voice of positivity, and be a leader.

I have had a hard life and I could be bitter, but I wake everyday with the thought how can I create change and positivity? I am not perfect and no person is, but you matter and so does your voice! Stop the hate, indifference, and intolerance! Be a force for good, especially in this coming holiday season and for all the tomorrows.

1 comment:

  1. this was great and well spoken. There should be more love and peace between everyone and less wars and hatred between people. I agree that no one owns this world and we should all live together in peace with out all the drama. we all should be trying to fix things with communication not with wars and other nonsense that is happening in these days. all the nonsense is why all of these problems are happening in the first place and we all should work together to fix them. so yes i say this is well spoken and a great thing that you have written and now everyone should listen and take it to heart and not ignore everything that is going on around us. So keep this up pat you are doing a great job with your writing
