Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street 2011 and the G8 in Calgary in 2002 (Part 2)

Article by: Patrick Lynch

The 2002 G8 protests in Calgary Canada show the new tactics law enforcement deployed to deal with protesters. Some of these same tactics have been deployed today at the Occupy Wall Street protest. These same tactics have been used on such persons like: Charlie Veitch of the Love police, Alex Jones of and others willing to stand up to injustice.

At first the Occupy Wall Street protest was seen a fringe movement that would as many protest do peter out and die off. So as like many protests previous the show by law enforcement was swift and brutal. This was done as to discourage and break the back of the protest and protesters, but this did not occur.

Since September 13th 2011 the Occupy Wall Street move has gone global, in response the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) has sent in mole to protests to gain intelligence on the protests and protesters. “Myth: You have right to freely protest. Fact: Protests are seen as a type of civil disobedience, and in most cities you need a permit and law enforcement will watch and infiltrate the protests and have policies on how to disperse the protesters to regain civil order.”

This was the case in Oakland California on October 25th 2011. The police using the civil/penal code 647-E which read as such: Disorderly Conduct (e) Who loiters or wanders upon the streets or from place to place without apparent reason or business and who refuses to identify himself or herself and to account for his or her presence when requested by any peace officer so to do, if the surrounding circumstances would indicate to a reasonable person that the public safety demands this identification.

In this world today, there is a growing problem of people being divided. Corporations have been given license to steal. During 2004 the congress loosened restrictions on Fair Trading Amendment Act 2004 No 21. Also at this lead to the banking industry to start dealing in unfair mortgages practices.

This has lead to millions of people world wide losing all they had, and those protesting want to see a reversal of this so that all people have a fair shake, but the wealthy want to make sure that those in the bottom percentile do not have the ability to come up. In the state the world economy sits they are on top, much like the robber barons of the beginning of the 20th century during the industrial revolution.

By 2008 the U.S. economic system was headed into an economic down turn, the DOW Jones fell and the banks failed. On October 11 2008 was a Tuesday, much like Black Friday in 1929, the head of (IMF) “The International Monetary Fund” warned that the world financial system was teetering on the brink of a wide-spread banking meltdown. It was at this point George W. Bush the 43rd president went to Congress and requested a bailout.

“Occupy Wall-street” took to the streets of New York in the financial district. By this movement becoming a global scale protest, how does the law enforcement community still stay on the side of big business?
What does the F.B.I, Local Police, and big business think of these events? I set out to ask them in the hopes that as more people get fed up with being in 99% who have been losing more and since 2001. But as like in other parts of the world rioting has taken effect. But yet U.S. citizens have not.

But law does have a habit of profiling people involved in political maters or protests. It is time for Political leaders and their wealthy co hoards to give up all the theft of public and private money and pay their part. In the next few days to a week I am going to post an article I am writing which will have links, facts, and sources of things those in power do not want anyone to know?

On Tuesday October 25th the police in Oakland California at around 4am with the aid of several other police agencies removed protesters by force, at the same time in New York City protesters were give an option to cease and desist without any chargers to be levied. This is a sign that the protest are seen by those in power as a threat to what they are truly about, MONEY.

The common person on the street has become nothing more than someone to be dealt with by law enforcement, which is becoming nothing more than puppets to the wealthy. When the FBI and Police were contacted for this article they refused to comment or return comment. In many You-tube videos law enforcement is routinely seen to say “I am only following orders!” This has become the mantra of people in uniform who think is it easier to conform then join the fight.   

This article will be continued in (part 3)

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