Saturday, January 21, 2012

Odd weather phenomena and odd amounts of Earthquakes

Written By: Patrick Lynch

2011 was a record year for tornado strikes all over the U.S. also 2011 was record year for large seismic events. Given the theories that these are a prelude to December 21st 2012 towards a greater natural disaster event to come, it is an interesting parallel. 2011 was in the eyes of the scientific community a clear sign of global warming. 130 years of industry and pollution has had an effect we can now see.

What has caused the tornado events to be so bad was a combination of factors, warm moist air out of the Gulf of Mexico colliding with a jet stream pushing far south causing the two air masses to create a perfect event leading to mass tornados. But this isn’t only event throughout 2011 that had grave impact.

With ocean levels rising, the lack of ice and permafrost has also had an effect; it is believed that these changes to the climate are also having an effect on tectonic stress. Given the changes in sea ice and glaciers has changed the balance of weight worldwide which could be a factor in the increase in seismic events.  But before anyone jumps to conclusions, these are theories to possible reasons for all these events, Volcanism, Earthquakes, Tornado’s, Droughts, Blizzards, Freak storms, and other events that have been witnessed throughout 2011.

Looking at each of these as they stand they appear singular, but in concert a pattern develops. 2011 brought with a year of events not seen before, or have they happened before our living memory? 2011 saw the object C/2010 X1 also known as the (Elenin) object.  

Given the current world wide weather abnormalities it is a clue the situation isn’t one that can be solved over night. The current weather patterns on January 2012 show a clear issue of change. These changes are and could be the cause of many world events of dyer environmental change.

How do these affect you? No matter where one lives on this planet all can see an abnormality in Earth’s climate.

We are living in a time where there are a higher than normal amount of cataclysmic event occurring. As it stands no one person can predict the future, so in that spirit this writer is going to follow up on this story and bring more details to light throughout the year of 2012 as they occur. Please keep your eyes and ears open and please report details to this reporter as things unfold as so they can be taken into account as new articles are written. Thank you.

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