Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Is it the end of the world, or not?

2012, is it another Y2K or is it really the end? Many scholars have questioned the truths in the Mayan codex known as the “Dresden Codex or the book of Mayan Astrology.” This codex was one of many, but only four exist to this day after Christian missionaries destroyed many of the codex’s in the hope to stem the rituals of the Mayan’s, the missionaries didn’t understand the Mayan’s connection with the stars and the Earth. These included ritual human sacrifice and blood lettings. 

But what is the Dresden Codex? This apocryphal codex spoke to the end of the age of man. The codex currently resides in Europe. Each of these ages are based in a 26,000 year cycle. The Hope Indians on the South West United States also have an end of time prophecy. Both the Mayan’s and Hope timelines end at the seemingly same point in time. How much influence did these cultures have on each other in antiquity?  Even the book of Revelation speaks to an end of time prophecy.

Those in the Y2K conundrum saw that computers given their calendar design would reset to “00” and the system structure would fail, but it did not. The Mayan Calendar ends on December 21st 2012, but is this really the end? The Mayan calendar has a system called the long count, which is accurate to a 15 second margin in the moon cycles. All calendars end, even our modern one, at the end of each year start the next cycle of 12 months. Is it possible that the Mayan calendar starts anew?

How did this ancient society create such a precise system of telling time without technology? The Mayan’s were highly observant and had a complex system of writing, this gave rise to noting what they saw and calculating from there how things worked in the sky. With their knowledge the Mayan’s were able to make accurate choices when to plant, when to harvest, and to when rains came. All of this though was not able to stop the fall of many of the Mayan’s cities, and eventually the Mayan empire.

Today, many of the Mayan decadence are sure of the human fall in 2012, but yet the Maya only rained for a few thousand years, not the 26,000 years their calendar notes. So, how do we as a modern and technological society give into this calendar that for most of us do not even understand? Simple really, most religions and cultures have their own end of time mythos. So as children we grow up to think this is how it is, not ever knowing we are being taught how to think and what to believe. But this is not the end of this story, but a caution to heed.

Will 2012 bring the end of all humanity? Well it depends on who you speak with. As it was during the Y2K scare, there were those who saw the fears as a way to capitalize on fear and make money. If the lessons of the past have not taught people anything that it is easy to give into fear and run away from things.

What will December 21st 2012 bring? Well no one is sure of this. Humans are by nature are a bad set of prophets. Always being prepared is a good thing, but going overboard as many do is not a healthy way to handle fear. Think of it are a natural disaster, what would you do and how would you deal with it? If 2012 is going to be the end, then live life the best way you can, but on December 22nd if nothing happens then what?

That is the hard question to answer! You find yourself on December 22nd with the world still here? Much like Y2K you feel duped and now you’re angry. How do you face the day, or week, month to come? This is what a lot of people faced after Y2K, they felt as if they had been cheated or deceived. The truth is no one knows the future, but we learn from the past and with that we are able to build the future.

The most troubling thing is what will the world be like after 2012? 2050 – There are now 9 Billion people on the planet and they are looking back on all the fears coming out of the 20th century into the 21st century. Y2K and 2012 have passed and those in the future are upset by how recklessly we did not prepare for tomorrow. Oil is at an all time high in price, in the future it will go for $380 a barrel, petrol will go for $9 to $10 a gallon and energy shortages are common place, clean drinking water is $5 a 12oz bottle. But people of 2012 were worried about December 21st 2012 to do anything to shape 2050 or 2100.

Are you sure? Are you sure December 21st 2012 is the end? It is smarter to devote time and energy to the tomorrows that are to come. Worrying about ancient prophecies or religious fervor does not help anyone, it does though lead to anger, and fear, and missteps that could help us all.

What dose 2012 hold? That is like a lot of mysteries, after WWII people were sure that the reds (Communists) were going to take over, people were sure that an A-bomb (Atomic Bomb) would be used on America, people were sure Y2K (The Year 2000) would bring an end to technology, but Steve Jobs of Apple Corp. prove that wrong with I-phones, I-pads, I-pods, I-tunes Etc. . So 2012, what do you want to happen?  Is the end of humanity or is the beginning of people working towards 2050 or 2100 in strides to make a better world?

Whatever happens always know that the future is not set in a Mayan stone but in the people who live on this planet, with global warming and oil coming up less available in the future and governments worries more about themselves is a time for those yet to come and those living to change the paradigm  towards something better. 2012 is not the end, but it is a wakeup call to all people to make a better tomorrow.

Think of all this as a way to be prepared for uncertainly, to know your fellow man, to strive towards a tomorrow that is good for all humans, not just the few or the wealthy.  You and you alone dictate your tomorrow and never forget that which you worship made you free and strong.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas and New Years Break

Hello Readers,

It is Christmas and New Years, so I am breaking til January 5th. I am wishing all a happy Christmas and a Joyous New Year. For those of you who do not celebrate Christmas, I wish you peace, joy, and serenity. 2012 will start with a set of new articles and stories dealing with all kinds of topics, I will also time to time have guest writers and contributors to this blog.

2011 was a year of many historic and tragic things, from the Earthquake and Tsunami to Libya and Egypt, there were so many things that brought the world together and split it all at the same time. 2012, especially December 12st is this big issue with Mayan calender running out, I still think this another Y2K, but I will cover it as 2012 progresses.

But for the close of 2011, I wish everyone peace this time of year and a good start to 2012.

Editor and Chief:
Patrick Lynch. 

Wednesday, December 14, 2011


Article by: Patrick Lynch

There moments in life where we think somehow we have been wronged. People use the term “Being Disrespected”, but in truth were they? How much respect do you give to another person? This all depends on what culture you might have grown up in. Some cultures think it is their right to be respected without giving respect.

The truth is most people don’t give respect, they give courtesy. What is the difference? One is a learned behavior taught in schools and by television. Respect starts with self! Courtesy is please, and thank you. Respect is having understanding and empathy. These come from example and life lessons.

Respect is that key to knowing how another person feels and being able to see yourself in their shoes. Respect comes from something deeper, it is know a gay man is gay and not being rude or calling them names out of discomfort, respect is knowing your wrong and admitting it, respect is seeing another race and not saying something bad under your breath after they pass.

Courtesy is getting a burger at a fast food place and saying thank you, but respect comes when you see the order is wrong and asking politely can you fix this it is wrong. Courtesy is holding a door open, respect comes from when someone doesn’t do it in return and letting it go.

Men are taught to be respected, but women are sources of sex, this is not respect but a negative stereo type. Women and men are equals, not objects, that is respect. “In a man’s world”, this is a way of disrespecting the opposite sex, now think if you were a man and the roles were reversed? You would feel disrespected. But these biases continue on. If a woman works and a man takes care of the children and house work is he any less than a man? “NO!”

Certain demographics think a woman’s place is in the kitchen and caring for children even when these women have 40 an hour a week jobs. It is a humans place to provide for their family and share equally the household duties. This is called a “Partnership” and this is true respect.

In this 21st century society some things have change where others have not, in some countries in the Middle-east and Africa young girls are vaginally mutilated so that they will not stray from their husbands, other are raped and beaten, in the name that the man was disrespected. Is this respect or torture? It is torture, but comes from societies and cultures where a misbalanced sense of respect is taught.

How does one define respect? Respect comes from understanding and education. When a person understands the self, then they are more likely to see themselves in others, but with poor knowledge in this area people can become disrespectful and potentially harmful to others. The old adage “With knowledge comes power,” this is very true.

But where do we start as people to teach the ideals of respect in a proper manner? Respecting others is one of those perception points and a lot of disagreements throughout his have come from misunderstandings seen as disrespect. In the Arab world throwing ones shoes at another person is a great-disrespect, here in the U.S. it is seen as juvenile and insulting, in Italy thumbing ones nose is like the middle finger in the U.S., these two examples illustrate how what is disrespectful in one place isn’t in another.

So how is one to know, well this isn’t always easy, some societies are closed about their customs and culture, so in these cases it is always best to do your homework before you deal with other cultures. Respect is earned not always given. But you say what if I am in a situation where I couldn’t have prepared for; well in these cases asking in a humble manner for forgiveness always goes a long way to gaining respect.

Respect is a tricky thing, and many people can always point the finger at other cultures and say they are disrespectful. But are they, or are you? This falls back to perception and culture. Most people are raise to have courtesy and to say please and thank you under the guise of respect. Respect come when see’s something wrong and acts on it if they were the one in the situation, most have a “NIMBY” stance. What is “NIMBY” – (Not In My Back Yard)!

We are told to respect our elder’s, and yet teens and some young adults push past the elderly and treat them as they haven’t a clue or they are unimportant. The truth is they were young once and just as disrespectful. 

AH! So it falls to this generation to step up and be the mature ones and not repeat the past.

This is true respect and maturity, but as soon as one falls to calling people names, or bullying, or being inconsiderate then you have no respect. A good example of this is a tagger who paints his name or gang name on a tax paying, hard working person’s outer wall in the claim that it is their turf, when in reality they live with family who pay the bills, this is disrespect. That person now has to pay money and time to clean up after this tagger.  

The tagger sees this as disrespect but in truth they disrespected the homeowner and community. This is why perception and culture play there parts in respect. Before you think you have been disrespected think about how your actions might affect others around you.

Once you have empathy not apathy then the respect quota might shift and then one might be able to see how to be respectful and gain respect. Respect does not come from being married, it helps but if you are a bad spouse than no gain there. If you have a good job that helps, but if you are a bad co-worker than respect once again means nothing, as you can see from these examples, when one does well as a student, a lover, as good worker, etc. Then one earns respect.

Respect is that when you are doing the right thing for no reward but just to be a better person then your journey to respect has begun. Action always speak louder than words, so always do the right thing and speak little to what you have done, but in this don’t be a push over, know right from wrong and always stand up for yourself in a responsible manner and with respect. Life is a journey not a destination, work towards being the better person always and respect will come to you.   

Thursday, December 8, 2011

No Article Today

I will be posting next week a new article

I had to postpone for private reasons, just know I am committed to bring you the reader thought provoking ideas and elements to discuss.

This has been a rough week and I have been unable to give my full attention to this blog, I apologize and hope to complete 2 articles in the week to post on Thursday.

Thank you for your readership

Editor and Chief
Patrick Lynch

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The paradigm of the human ego

Article by: Patrick Lynch

The paradox nature of human behavior and the ethical ideologies that are programmed in to all people. Have you ever thought about why you think, or do things that are contrary to your thinking? Such as self sabotage, or being angry for no reason.

How much thought do you give to your idea of self or ego?

What if you knew the greatest enemy you have lives within you. Most would deny this; this is called minimization, denial, and blame. We all do this, lie to ourselves in very rational ways. Example: "You see a homeless man on the street asking for change, do you A: go around him and tell yourself he would only use the money for alcohol; do you B: give him change and tell yourself I did a good thing; do you C: take the man to the closest fast food establishment and buy him a meal; or do you D: curse him and tell him to get a job?"

Surprisingly up until a few years ago most people would have done "A & D" but given the economic climate people are becoming more aware of people falling through the cracks. But what drove this leap in thought?

The ego or self has a way of both building in empathy and apathy towards others. This especially true in the instance when a person goes through what once he or she ignored before. Now in context the time the ego or self is always telling you what is right or wrong.

Without knowing it one can become a killer, or a thief, or worse; this happens when what we know to be right and wrong is clouded by other emotions or circumstances. It works in this way, a person by themselves is rational and can think for themselves, but add in opinions of others, or social conditioning also known as domestication, or intoxicants, or a mob, or religious fervor. In these circumstances we can take the thought and act on it in immunity or so we think, the chains are dropped of the social contract. 

Understanding what is real is another part of the ego or self’s job. It compares always to what is going on to what has happened in the past or that which we have learned. This is when studies are done to see how reliable witnesses are it has be shown that humans done see what they think they saw. Again this is the ego or self telling you "You know what you saw and you are right!" If this is true how illusionists do their tricks? Misdirection; they know that the ego or self will tell you what you saw, but in truth the whole time the illusionist has been misleading you.

So what is real? "Perception" This defined by a socialization or domestication into a given society by all people. This is the basis for Psychiatry and Psychology.  Understanding one’s own mind or thoughts is a long and hard process; this takes a willingness to look honestly deep within yourself and confronting what most stay away from. Law Enforcement are taught these and use them to see when a person is lying, Illusionists use this to entertain, Psychologist and Psychiatrist use this make diagnosis.

So how do you gain this understanding without years if school or training? This is easy for some and very hard for others. Every person has masks that they wear in this world, or the analogy hats they wear can be used as well. 1: is secret self, this is the person you are when no one is around. 2: is the public self, this is the person you are out with friends and other people. 3: is the private self, this is the person you are in a relationship or marriage. 4: is the work self, this is the person you are to your bosses, employees, coworkers, teachers, classmates, etc. 5: is the family self, this is the person you are with family and close friends. 6: is the spiritual self, this is the person you try to be by using religious or spiritual teachings.

We all have fears, regrets, and or jealousies depending on the person. But the ego or self once again is in control of this, breaking this control starts they process. Once broken how does one gain control over the mind? A key is how one acts and speaks. Our mind has a way of going against us, once you make an assumption to tell yourself a story which becomes true in your mind, but this assumption isn’t true.

Another issue is taking thinks to heart or taking things personally, this once again is the ego or self saying to the mind I have been wronged, but were you, or was it your perception? These are concepts which allow our minds to deceive our behavior. A glance while thinking, or blinking too much, or sweating when it is cold out, you can see these are some of the many tells people have giving away what they are truly thinking.

This is how a polygraph works, it measures breathing, sweat levels on the skin as known as the galvanic skin response, blood pressure, and they employ a pressure pad to measure body movement, these are use in concert to see the underlying processes in the brain. Our ego or self can in this way be seen betraying our thoughts. Now the truth is our minds are always working, and a polygraph is not a perfect instrument.

When all these points are taken together a picture emerges of the power of the ego or self. Many books have been written to this effect. Knowing the enemy within allows you gain control and understanding of not only yourself but others around you. One can never free themselves totally from the ego or self, but once you understand the mechanics of this then it allows for wisdom and success in life. When one starts a journey there isn’t always a destination, the journey is the truth and the ego or self will always be with you.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Holiday Break

I will be back the following Thursday After Thanksgiving.

I have all new articles and stories to post every Thursday up to Christmas, from Christmas to New Year I will be on Break. Beginning 2012 new articles and stories will post every Thursday except holiday weeks.

Stay tunes for more and thank you for your readership.

Editor and Chief
Patrick Lynch

Thursday, November 10, 2011

(Guest Writer) - PIPA, SOPA, and The 10 Strike Bill, "A nightmare in the making."

Article by: Sir Rant A. Lot (Guest contributor)

13 years ago, in 1998, the DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) was passed to protect websites and ISPs from lawsuits based on the activities of their users. It was considered a “Safe Harbor” for Website owners.

The new bill on Capitol Hill would circumvent that law leaving most of the World Wide Web open to a legal attack by the US government. Companies outside of the USA would have no legal means of defending themselves either.

Last year the senate introduced the bill S-3804, COICA (Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act). Fortunately for most Americans, it failed to pass thanks to Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR).

Back on May 12th of 2011, Senator Patrick Leahy (D-VT) introduced a newer version of this bill. S.968, PIPA (Protect Intellectual Property Act) which is aimed primarily at controlling Piracy and Rogue websites. The Senate’s Judiciary committee voted unanimously to pass it on May 26th.

Senator Ron Wyden managed to put a temporary hold on this act as well but the battle is far from over. He stated, “I understand and agree with the goal of the legislation…but I am not willing to muzzle speech and stifle innovation and economic growth to achieve this objective.” If a compromise isn’t reached the bill could go up for a full senate vote needing only a majority.

The DHS (Department of Homeland Security) would use this as the basis for their “Operation in Our Sites” which their Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division created just before the holiday shopping season in 2010.

Let’s not forget February 11th 2011 when ICE attempted to shut down in a child porn raid. The service provider FreeDNS at was hit with the Internet kill switch and essentially 84,000 legitimate sites were shut down in a case of mistaken identity.

Two of PIPA’s biggest supporters are the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) and the MPAA (Motion Picture Association of America). Former Senator Chris Dodd is also a strong supporter of this Hollywood-backed Internet Blacklist Legislation.

The Good

Unlike COICA, which targeted domain names in general, PIPA recognizes that legal action should be brought against the person responsible for the infringement before direct action is taken to shut down the website.

Officially, it also does not expand secondary liability. The Attorney General (or copyright holder) must send notice to those impacted, buying them time. Lastly it attempts to narrow the scope of those sites targeted through the phrasing, “dedicated to infringing material”.

The Bad

Unfortunately, The bill remains so vague about who is accountable that any site containing copy written material. Sites ranging from Amazon, E-bay and Facebook to Twitter and Youtube could be classified as illegal, and therefore shutdown permanently.

In theory, a fair trial must be held before action is taken to shut down a website. The Supreme Court has held that it’s unconstitutional to suppress speech without an “adversary proceeding”.

The loophole in the bill, however states that if the Attorney General “was not able to find” the owner of the sight or “no such person resides within the United States” then they can skip straight to seizing the website itself. 

A judge can decide whether to block a domain after hearing from only the government. It would allow courts to order any Internet service to stop recognizing a site even on a temporary restraining order…issued the same day the complaint is filed. The U.S. Department of Justice would have far too much freedom.

A group of ninety law professors signed a letter opposing the Protect IP Act. They described it as “the equivalent of an Internet Death Penalty”. They also pointed out that blocking entire domains could “suppress vast amounts of protected speech containing no infringing content whatsoever”. The Supreme Court compared it to, “Burning the house to roast the pig.”

Overseas domain owners do not even have the right to participate in the legal process or appeal the decision after the fact. Those affected may, however file a completely separate lawsuit after the fact.

PIPA also encourages ad networks, payment processors, search engines, ISPs (Internet Service Providers), and Registrars to take “voluntary” action against sites that they consider infringing. If a site is cut off under an incorrect belief of infringement, there is nothing they can do about it. Basically, they’re screwed.

Even more frightening is the thought that the Attorney General can obtain an order saying search engines like Google can no longer link to certain sites. Talk about meddling with The First Amendment and freedom of speech.

Then there are the payment centers. Imagine having over a million small businesses suddenly unable to receive electronic credit card payments from organizations like Paypal. If you think the economy is struggling now, this would create a worldwide economic collapse sending every country into complete freefall.

If a search engine like Yahoo employs over 13,000 people, how many employees of other legitimate companies would suddenly find themselves unemployed due to government actions?
The worst fact about this law is that it grants private industry extraordinary powers to stifle new technologies and innovation because someone supposedly infringed on their copyrights. Simply put, it’s a form of Internet censorship.

In the twenties Thomas Edison tried to crush Nicoli Tesla’s discoveries (i.e. the light bulb). In the fifties Juan Trippe of Pan Am tried to crush Howard Hughes’ TWA. All through history people in Hollywood have tried to condemn the Record player, the Radio, the Television, the copy machine, and the VCR. Do we really need an all-new twenty-first century witch-hunt against technology?

By sanctioning government interference with the Domain Name System (DNS), such a precedent could be used as a justification for other countries to hinder freedom of expression online.

Many Internet engineers like Steve Crocker fear that this would open up Internet users to new potential security threats. By ordering legitimate DNS Providers like Comcast or AT&T to cease service, Many Sites would have to use offshore servers not subject to US law. The conflict of servers would create an Internet architectural nightmare. It would also make the net far less hospitable to malware.

For those innocent websites swept in as “collateral damage” this would be very dangerous. ISPs would gain far less data on cyber security threats and many could fall victim to con artists creating fake websites for banks, credit cards, social-networking sites, and more.

Google chairman Eric Schmidt in London said that even if both houses of congress and the President of the United States himself were to sign the bill, he would continue to fight it.

The God-awful

If you think the Senate’s bill S.968, the Protect IP Act is bad, wait until you get a load of the one just released by the House of Representatives last Wednesday, Oct 26 2011. Rep. Lamar Smith (R-TX) who leads the house Judiciary Committee introduced the HR.3261; SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) also dubbed the E-Parasite Act (Enforcing and Protecting American Rights Against Sites Intent on Theft and Exploitation).

In PIPA, the primary targets were described as those sites that were considered to be “primarily designed or marketed for infringing uses”, In other words, those who committed acts of piracy or copyright infringement.

Despite the PIPA promise of not expanding secondary liability, SOPA broadens its scope to include those sites whose operators “avoid confirming a high probability.” Can we get any more vague?

These would include advertisers, credit-card companies, ISPs, search engines and registrars. Such parties would be legally required to stop providing ads or payment services to any site accused of being, “dedicated to the theft of U.S. property.” They would now face liability if they do not disconnect service from such websites, even if they were outside the United States. I don’t see how they could even enforce that.

PIPA encourages these parties to take “voluntary” action against those sites they considered to be infringing. SOPA makes it a required duty of these parties to police themselves and their users. This sounds strongly like the rules pushed upon the Hitler Youth Parties of 1938. If they new that their neighbors were harboring a Jewish family, they were required to report it to their superiors or suffer the consequences. The house version effectively demolishes the DMCA’s “Safe Harbor” act.

Under the SOPA, the Attorney General could order ISPs to block access to sites while leaving no provision for the accused to challenge the ruling before being terminated. The attorney general could then take legal action against anyone who provides products or services designed to bypass such blocks.

Unlike the Senate bill, PIPA, with SOPA, no court would need to be involved, unless the site owner filed a counter notice stating that it didn’t fit the bill’s definition of a “dedicated infringer.”

Markham Erickson, executive director of the NetCoalition tech advocacy group, stated, “This bill is a direct attack on technology, technology that allows for sharing of information…it covers anything that could foster infringement.”

This act would basically threaten the functioning, the freedom, and the economic potential of the Internet. It would short circuit the legal system, creating a fast track to shutting down websites. By creating conflicts between “DNS” servers, it would make you more vulnerable to hackers, identity theft, and cyberattacks. 

By sanctioning government interference, it would censor the American Internet more strictly than even Russia or China’s limited access.

The Utterly Insane

Also placed on the floor May 11, 2011 by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Cornyn (R-TX), and Christopher Coons (D-DE) was S.978, The 10 Strike Bill. This one is as retarded as they get.

The bill states that if you engage in “public performance” 10 or more times over a 180 day period, of 1 or more copyrighted works, then you can potentially get fined and sent to prison for five years. Can we get any more Draconian, with the punishment for something that should be a God given right? It basically makes it a felony to stream or embed copyrighted material.

Technically a child could lip-sync a favorite song in a school play, the parent could videotape and post it, but once the eleventh person clicked the link to view it would become a crime, and the parent could go to prison while the child was taken away by the state. Do you want to be the one to explain that to your eight year old?

The definition of “Public Performances by Electronic Means” is dangerously broad. 10 “Public Performances”, could refer to 10 embeds, 10 streams, or 10 listens.

It is also considered a crime if the economic value of those 10 performances exceeds $2500 or if the owner demands over $5000 for performance rights.

One writer stated that the bill was so poorly written, that it could criminalize a night out singing Karaoke because it specifies “public performance” as an infringement. Does that mean that if Lady Gaga charges $200 per seat at a concert and you sing Pokerface for a drunken bunch of 13 or more friends at a party, you’ve just committed a felony?

It would also ruin shows like American Idol, America’s Got Talent, and X-factor where many dreamers go to try out while singing someone else’s songs. A lot more than ten people view those shows across the country.

Whenever I go to Bigfish Games or Macgames I often download the one-hour trial of a video game before deciding to buy it. Removing that option would lose them a lot of business.

I know that most all of my friends on Facebook have posted links to favorite songs and videos at one time or another. Most of them have a lot more than ten friends who have looked at these links.

In the 1950s, half of Hollywood were falsely accused of being communists and ordered to appear before a government committee for criminal offenses. Don’t let them start another witch-hunt over something so inoffensive. Our prisons are already overpopulated and the taxpayers have to pay for it.

For those who remember what its like to live in a truly free country, do not let them pass any of these three bills. I doubt you want your children to be blind, deaf, and dumb to what’s going on in the world today. The censorship of knowledge created by these bills would wipe out the first amendment and freedom of speech.

A hearing for these bills has been scheduled for November 16.

I might get in trouble later for quoting Albert Einstein, but here it goes. “A single drop of water helps to swell the ocean.” E-mail your local congressperson and let your opinion be heard before it’s too late.

Blessing and Forgiveness and Gratitude

Article by: Patrick Lynch

In this time leading up to Thanksgiving and Christmas it is time before the closing of the year to be "Grateful, have blessings, and give forgiveness", for all of us spend time in our lives either being a force multiplier or a victim. As people we are taught by many people, by examples, by life itself, but to break away from the negative is hard.

There are statements we say to ourselves, usually learned throughout life that cross our thoughts. The ego does this and the subconscious also does this. Thoughts like:

“I am never going to get this right.”

“I always screw things up.”

"I 'm only one person and what do I matter!"

'I'm not that good at ______ ."

These statements have been made by any number of people. But why do we do this to ourselves. We cannot know how others lives are, we can only know our path. In this we shape our world on much of the perceived. It isn’t what you know, but how you know it.

"Never making assumptions, and not talking things personally"

There are ways to break the cycle, throughout live those negative force can come into play. We find ways to reinforce our negative beliefs. The cycle of beating ourselves up for small things, now think of yourself as a ship on the sea. You make a tiny correction of course, but this change was unintentional over a large distance you go off course. In a way the small self-sabotage we do with statements like “I’m not good enough” for example is like that unintentional change in course.

How do you perceive your life?

Your life isn’t the clothes you wear, it isn’t the house you live in, it isn’t how much money you have. If someone told you all your life that knowledge is how you show you are successful. You wouldn’t be slaving yourself to something to gain it, or would you? The saying it takes 30 days to create a habit, but an entire lifetime to undo, this though does hold water. We cannot unlearn what we have exposed our minds to. You are the force of change in your life!

"If one knows that candlelight is fire, the meal was already cooked a long time ago."

This statement is in itself a message of deep wisdom and reflection, for it has many meanings. To change the ships course it to stop all together and find the gratitude and joy in the moment. No matter how bad a situation is, everything ends, another day will come if it is in your destiny. The saying:

"Do onto others as you would want done unto you."

Most know this, but how many of you do this? When was the last time you paid a kindness forward? When was the last time you help a poor person on the street, or helped a person you knew with a problem? This all comes back to us in many ways.

All societies throughout the ages have a version of Karma. Karma is nothing more than a lesson, a learning tool, not a punishment. The physic principle of “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”, explains this in terms most can see in action. The physical test of this is a visual that make the non-visual a concept that is understandable.

It as if we belong to one great soul, much like cells in the human body. This is known as “The Collective Unconsciousness”. One soul many people. The thought that humans are apart of this great collective is quite profound; each human life is in part only a small part of the vast whole. We all share a planet and even though we come from different places and cultures, we are all human!

It is sad that humans are so adversarial. The human need to conquer to be aggressive, this is a part of the being, which is to be human, but it is not the driving force. Humanity needs to awaken from the sleep of many ages, in a way to peer through the glass darkly into what once was and what can be in the many tomorrows. This is to say that what our ancestors had in the abilities of the mind. Remember there was no television, no Internet, no electricity, these were people who lived by nature, with nature.

This would take seeing beyond, to a point of great peace, one of peace of soul or spirit, a peace in lifestyle, a peace in society. Seeing beyond could bring a greater peace, and just maybe stem the tide of warfare, hatred, destruction, discontent, fear mongering, and negativity.

Humans walk through life like sleepers who have not yet awakened. When the sleeper awakens their past comes into focus. This is not only the physical linear past, but also all the pasts that came before. All becomes crystal clear, in a way you are no longer a part of the matrix, but something else entirely, the glass darkly in transformed into a glass of clarity and understanding, one of enlightenment and guidance. This is a powerful transformation, one in which you get out of your own way. Living to ones potential and becoming awakened to possible, able to create those possibilities.

"Eyes wide open, hands held high, ever grateful."

Finding gratitude, blessings, and forgiveness isn't always easy. Life can be a trial by fire, but think about how many times in life you have heard the story of a victim of a great tragedy tell their sorry to then them saying: "I forgive the person or people involved, or I am grateful just to be alive."?

"It is time to move into the future without holding onto the past."

It is time for humanity to move into the future. Time to let go of the fear; this fear is the one of change. The fear of change is founded in the unknown. That which is unknown is scary due to uncertainty. The fear of uncertainty is holding many in the world back; another fear generator is religious dogma. Dogma is the ritual or routine of shame and fear use to keep people in line, this is called "Domestication". Fear is that which can kill the mind, body, and soul; this keeps one imprisoned and chained.

Fear can sap the soul of precious energy; it can also be carried from lifetime to lifetime. If you can awaken to these past traumas the process to cut the chains can begin. How do you awaken to these and start the process of healing?

"The steps of breaking the bondage”

The first step to this process is “Forgiveness”. Being able to forgive yourself, it is easier to forgive others versus forgiving ourselves. The key is to being able to let go and advancing forward. Nothing anyone does is because of you. They make their own choices.

The second step to this process is “Love”. Now this is use a lot and told to people as the fix all to all problems. Love is the most misunderstood thing humans express. Being unconditional is a form of love, being forgiving, being present, accepting yourself; these all constitute love. The love part isn’t easy, especially if you are holding onto past pain and trauma.

The third step to this process is “Charity”. Again this one is misunderstood; charity isn’t just giving money to the poor, passing on spare pocket change. It is so much more. Charity starts with yourself, this might sound selfish but it isn’t. The charity is the ability to allow yourself to let go of those things, which give you the greatest pain. Once you can let go you can pass on to others positivity, this is the start of charity. As this positivity grows in you, then you are able to do more for others without expectation.

The fourth step to this process is “Joy and Happiness”. This one thing is the hardest to do. What makes you happy or gives you joy? These come from a lot of things in our lives, but when it comes from in you is then real. Things make us happy, or people, or situations, but if there isn’t joy and happiness in us these things soon leave us unfulfilled. This takes looking into yourself honestly and loving the person you are, excepting you unconditionally.

The fifth step is "Gratitude and Blessing". This is one of the steps which take immense courage and breaking the cycle of self abuse. You matter and you are worth being happy. None of us have all the answers but we are not alone either. In a time when people are losing so much it is hard to be grateful, but if you know you have your life and friend, family, and community, you have more than anything you own will ever be worth, that is the priceless part of life.

"Awaken to a new reality, open your eyes. May peace, love, serenity, and joy be with you all during this holiday season."

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Food for thought in this day and age!

Article by: Patrick Lynch

What I am about to say is more than likely to bother some and be an annoyance to others. Well to bad is what I say! Words speak to ideas, ideas lead to thoughts, thoughts lead to actions, and actions lead to change. In most cases people tend to hide where it is safest by doing nothing, not upsetting the balance in their lives. I pity those whose gall is to be unnoticed or over looked as so stay safe in their little bubble. I know why most say nothing, it is not they are weak, it is because they are afraid!  

For all of us, we say "My voice does not matter, or that I am only one person." I feel for you and those who refuse to change and stand for what is right. I see a serious problem with this country! A problem you say, if you hide behind ideology or economic place then you have no idea to what I speak to!

Let me say this, on November 5th, Guy Fawkes Day, you will have to think! "Remember, remember the fifth of November, the gun powder treason and plot?" if can finish this then you understand why the "Occupy Wall Street" protest is important, and how one voice can create change.

If Greece defaults on Friday November 4th, then all the markets will tumble and a repeat of 2008 and 1929 will happen again. B of A (Bank of America) just learned how powerful the people are. If you haven't clue to which I speak then I urge you to do your home work and get your head out of the sand. An informed person knows what they need to do, where as an uninformed person runs in fear.

You for the most part are the 99% and those of you in the 1% of the wealthy, you are thieves! Every person is due the right to make a living, have adequate health care, and the right to eat, take care of their families, education, and none interference from the government and the law.

We all share this planet and no person owns it! "If you think they do then I want nothing to do with you" .. This sounds harsh, but the truth is all people are equal in the eyes of the creator, whatever that "god or deity" is to you. For in all of life, 7 billion people who share this world, those 1% consume more than everyone else.

I ask all those who read this to wake up other people and fight for what is right for all mankind. I do not expect socialism or communism as a path to a healthy society, nor does capitalism work. We need a balance of people who understand what the poor, middle class, and working person needs. Our leaders have wealth and got to their positions through money.

No person running for office cares about "John A Doe's" plight. They listen to money. In the U.S we need a labor party, not a tea party; "Tea Parties" are for little girls not grown adults! We all are not going to agree on all ideas or laws, but in the interest of the future, we need to come to a agreement and not let special interest drive us into a dark age!

There are many religions and peoples who share this land, tolerance and understanding will be the path forward! Ignorance and hate only lead to isolation and indifference. It is the 21st century and it is time to listen, be understanding, and let old ideas die.

Do I have all the answer? "Ah NO!" But I do speak from my heart. Help others, be kind, let things go, do not make assumptions, and be a decent person. This will change you and others. An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth would leave all of us blind and toothless. These old ideas of retribution and ignorance need to be laid to rest. We are a modern society and what worked in the 1950’s or the 19th century have no place in the world today.

We are a wired society! We speak to people every day from other land and other cultures. Where I live and I can say after seeing 38 countries, people are people. We all sleep, eat, love, have families, and grow. Please try to be a part of a solution, risk something, be a voice of positivity, and be a leader.

I have had a hard life and I could be bitter, but I wake everyday with the thought how can I create change and positivity? I am not perfect and no person is, but you matter and so does your voice! Stop the hate, indifference, and intolerance! Be a force for good, especially in this coming holiday season and for all the tomorrows.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Occupy Wall Street 2011 and the G8 in Calgary in 2002 (Part 2)

Article by: Patrick Lynch

The 2002 G8 protests in Calgary Canada show the new tactics law enforcement deployed to deal with protesters. Some of these same tactics have been deployed today at the Occupy Wall Street protest. These same tactics have been used on such persons like: Charlie Veitch of the Love police, Alex Jones of and others willing to stand up to injustice.

At first the Occupy Wall Street protest was seen a fringe movement that would as many protest do peter out and die off. So as like many protests previous the show by law enforcement was swift and brutal. This was done as to discourage and break the back of the protest and protesters, but this did not occur.

Since September 13th 2011 the Occupy Wall Street move has gone global, in response the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) has sent in mole to protests to gain intelligence on the protests and protesters. “Myth: You have right to freely protest. Fact: Protests are seen as a type of civil disobedience, and in most cities you need a permit and law enforcement will watch and infiltrate the protests and have policies on how to disperse the protesters to regain civil order.”

This was the case in Oakland California on October 25th 2011. The police using the civil/penal code 647-E which read as such: Disorderly Conduct (e) Who loiters or wanders upon the streets or from place to place without apparent reason or business and who refuses to identify himself or herself and to account for his or her presence when requested by any peace officer so to do, if the surrounding circumstances would indicate to a reasonable person that the public safety demands this identification.

In this world today, there is a growing problem of people being divided. Corporations have been given license to steal. During 2004 the congress loosened restrictions on Fair Trading Amendment Act 2004 No 21. Also at this lead to the banking industry to start dealing in unfair mortgages practices.

This has lead to millions of people world wide losing all they had, and those protesting want to see a reversal of this so that all people have a fair shake, but the wealthy want to make sure that those in the bottom percentile do not have the ability to come up. In the state the world economy sits they are on top, much like the robber barons of the beginning of the 20th century during the industrial revolution.

By 2008 the U.S. economic system was headed into an economic down turn, the DOW Jones fell and the banks failed. On October 11 2008 was a Tuesday, much like Black Friday in 1929, the head of (IMF) “The International Monetary Fund” warned that the world financial system was teetering on the brink of a wide-spread banking meltdown. It was at this point George W. Bush the 43rd president went to Congress and requested a bailout.

“Occupy Wall-street” took to the streets of New York in the financial district. By this movement becoming a global scale protest, how does the law enforcement community still stay on the side of big business?
What does the F.B.I, Local Police, and big business think of these events? I set out to ask them in the hopes that as more people get fed up with being in 99% who have been losing more and since 2001. But as like in other parts of the world rioting has taken effect. But yet U.S. citizens have not.

But law does have a habit of profiling people involved in political maters or protests. It is time for Political leaders and their wealthy co hoards to give up all the theft of public and private money and pay their part. In the next few days to a week I am going to post an article I am writing which will have links, facts, and sources of things those in power do not want anyone to know?

On Tuesday October 25th the police in Oakland California at around 4am with the aid of several other police agencies removed protesters by force, at the same time in New York City protesters were give an option to cease and desist without any chargers to be levied. This is a sign that the protest are seen by those in power as a threat to what they are truly about, MONEY.

The common person on the street has become nothing more than someone to be dealt with by law enforcement, which is becoming nothing more than puppets to the wealthy. When the FBI and Police were contacted for this article they refused to comment or return comment. In many You-tube videos law enforcement is routinely seen to say “I am only following orders!” This has become the mantra of people in uniform who think is it easier to conform then join the fight.   

This article will be continued in (part 3)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Occupy Wall Street 2011 and the G8 in Calgary in 2002 (Part 1)

Article By: Patrick Lynch

On Thursday October 27th there be my first news I-report.

I will be covering a range of topics and theories related to the G8 protests in Calgary in 2002 to The Occupy Wall Street in 2011. I hope to gain a range of opinions and interviews dealing with how the Banking world to FBI see this growing movement and how it has spread world wide.

The economic disparity between the wealthy and those who work to support their families and barely make it from paycheck to paycheck. But how did we get heree and what steps can the 99% take to protect what they are losing everyday?

I hope to cover all of this and go on to report on other topics that could help others deal and learn from the last 10 years.